breakthestate Well, just went to the Rite-Aid (a pharmacy chain for those who may not know what it is) that is across the street from my house. And it appears
anarchy keep ignoring the writing on the wall to all of our detriment. Oh wait, so long as NGU, none of tbhis matters. Silly me. Major airports in Singapore will now
breakthestate Convenient timing. The 'illnesses' may be a joke, the response might not be. Europe is fucked, NZ is fucked. Let's not fuck ourselves America, and elsewhere.
breakthestate Time for everyone stop cease with their frivolities and start paying attention. While everyone is being distracted by Trump, Biden, Kamala, Olympics, the btc political rally and all the other
donotcomply Every vote that is cast is but another nail in freedom's coffin. #donotcomply #nocompromise #nosurrender gallowsandguillotines2024 #breakthestate…
donotcomply if you hold btc and are not 100% anti-state in every way shape and form, sorry, you do not get it yet. There is no negotiating with criminals and
memestr @𝕄𝐄Μ𝔼ⓢ 𝔼𝔩ᎥŤ𝐞 @The Meme Bay @Secretary Janet Yellen and other #memestr soldiers TIME TO UP YOUR GAME. We're being singled out. #donotcomply #nocompromise #nosurrender #LFG rqfnnt9r2m6ha3xqea75mq…