breakthestate Why We're Losing: 7 Reasons The Freedom Movement Is Failing - Mark Passio (The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation) On January 21, 2024, Mark Passio spoke at The Greater Reset
randomthough Reproductive rights do NOT mean you have the right to murder your yet-to-be-born child. Reproductive rights mean nobody can stop you from reproducing. #randomthough #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh
randomthought It's said free speech doesn't include yelling 'fire' in a movie theater. People parrot that narrative as if it is fact. But where is
breakthestate Ex-Occultist: "They Call it "THE MASTER KEY Of The Universe” #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #naturallaw #occult…
breakthestate Secret knowledge of secret societies ~ Mark Passio #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #naturallaw #occult…
breakthestate #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #pewpew #shallnotbeinfringed #naturallaw #slavery #statism…
mmh When it comes to Natural Rights, if you use the word 'but' when speaking of any, you do not support that right. Example: I support free speech, but.