Pretense of biological product manufacturing de-regulation layered on pretense of biological product manufacturing regulation.
On US-FDA worldwide non-regulation of Covid-19 vaccines construed as gene therapies.
Hospital homicides, draft discovery questions.
On confidential settlements and hush money to suppress public understanding of government-directed killing programs.
Vaccine hostility as an alternative to both vaccine hesitancy and vaccine confidence.
Intentional infliction of harm is not a legitimate government purpose; enabling it is not a permissible legislative object.
On reading PREP Act declarations as declarations of war issued by treasonous, seditious agents acting in unofficial, personal capacities.
120+ years of legalized, US-government-led pharmaceutical fraud.
Playbook for poisoning populations with vaccines and other biological products.
On misconstruction of EUA countermeasures and vaccines as medicinal products, rather than weapons and poisons, and on legal-judicial system role in sustaining public ignorance and submission.