The Disappearance of Reality: Most Everything Is Fake

'...Consider just a miniscule handful of the lies that have been fed to you:

The “Civil” War was about slavery
Pearl Harbor was a surprise
Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved lives
The JFK murder by the CIA
The RFK murder
The MLK murder
The Malcolm X murder
The moon ‘landing’
Gulf of Tonkin
Global cooling
Global warming
Climate change
The 9/11 staged false flag event
You are not being surveilled
The fraud of ‘covid’
Social distancing
Safe and effective
There are no such things as chemtrails
October 7th
Israel is only defending itself and not committing genocide
Bird flu
Voting and elections make you ‘free’
The ‘rule of law’
Biden is as sharp as a tack
Trump will save you

Actually, you are lied to every single day of your life by the State, its politicians, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical cabal, the medical establishment, and most of the entire banking system...'