There Is No Such Thing as ‘Representative’ Government: There Has Never Been!
"Ah yes, here we are in another major ‘election’ year, where it seems at this point, your choices (not mine of course) will likely be the same as they have been the past 8 years. A brain-dead, controlled, criminal, and evil leftist stooge called Biden, or a war-mongering, narcissistic, controlled, and arrogant lying stooge called Trump. This sounds like a set-up, and it is, but do you really think it matters one iota from one year to the next, one decade to the next, or in reality, has it ever mattered at all which piece of scum is selected? Of course it does not matter, because the scourge of mankind, for particularly the masses, other than their own stupidity, is the allowance of a government of any kind to rule over them. Masters and slaves will forever be separated, and each group will be relegated to their respective castes, which is the ultimate insult to the superiority of the individual. Without the individual as sovereign, no freedom can exist."