Spartacast 17

…To the depraved lunatics still pushing the vaccines, in spite of mounting evidence of injury and death from it, parents have found their young children dead of heart attacks, face-down in their bedrooms in pools of vomit, you sick freaks. You know what that means, don’t you? They didn’t pass peacefully in their sleep. They knew the end was coming. Have you no shame at all? How dare you. How dare you inflict such terror and despair on young children and their families? For a virus that, objectively, has an age-stratified median infection fatality rate of 0.0003% for people between 0-19 years of age? If we take the statistics put forth by people like Denis Rancourt seriously, the COVID-19 vaccines are potentially killing, straight-up killing, one in eight hundred people per dose, with a cumulative risk over multiple shots. For younger people, that’s orders of magnitude more lethal than the virus…