By Joel Walbert in breakthestate — Aug 27, 2024 Pfizer Vaccine Exposure Intracardiac Administration Experiment 1: Week 3 Update #anarchy #covid #mrna
breakthestate NGU is a fiat mind virus. What that tells people is all you care about YOUR portfolio going up, so who cares that others are suffering from further currency debasement.
thefreethoughtprojectpodcast 🎙NEW PODCAST ~ We welcome back Scott Horton for the 32nd anniversary of Ruby Ridge where Scott connects the dots between these domestic tragedies and American foreign policy and draws chilling
breakthestate MDOTD 512 Notable Quotable 319 #breakthestate #anarchy #memes #memestr #quotes #quotestr…
breakthestate 3-2-1: Thoughts on greatness, enjoying the journey, and raising the aspirations of others - James Clear #breakthestate #anarchy #quotes #quotestr…