The Left and Right Are Two Cheeks of the Same Ass
...all politicians and parties fit into the same paradigm called rule, regardless of so-called rhetorical grandstanding when attempting to claim that they are different spots on the same ass. However, in this country, the claimed left and right control the entire narrative, because they control the entire political process. (Not really, but their controllers do) The others, including ‘independents’ and ‘libertarians,’ would be no different, because the most common denominator of all those who seek rule and therefore power, is to control and manage the people by taxation and force of government. The only entity that is exempt from this power-seeking insanity, are anarchists, but then, anarchists abhor government and governing of people, believe only in “no rule,” so are not a risk to any freedom seeking individual. It is the single only thought existing that is completely non-political, and therefore the only sane option based on natural law.
This is not anything new or current, it has always been the case, even though many would attempt to argue this point; each side claiming to be one thing or the other, and in opposition against each other, when both seek the very same agendas.
#breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #twowingsonevulture