Dr. Lee Cronin vs Dr. James Tour Debate at Harvard Cambridge Faculty Roundtable the Origin of Life
Nov 28, 2023
Harvard Debate Review: Atheist Scientist Defends James Tour and Debunks Lee Cronin's Assembly Theory
Jan 5, 2024
A crucial examination of the debate between Dr. James Tour and Dr. Lee Cronin at Harvard, led by the data scientist Dr. Hector Zenil, holding degrees in BSc Math (UNAM), PGCert Nano (Oxon), MPhil Logic (ENS), PhD CompSci (Lille), and PhD Phil (Sorbonne).
Debate Review: Jim Tour vs Lee Cronin at Harvard
Jan 29, 2024
Are we close to cracking the origin of life problem or not? In 2021, chemist Dr. Lee Cronin declared publicly that "Origin of life research is a scam." Yet, scientists regularly claim to be close to creating simple and complex life from non-life in their labs, and the public is buying it. On this ID The Future, we bring you the first half of a panel discussion reviewing the recent debate on the origin of life between Rice University chemistry professor Dr. James Tour and University of Glasgow professor of chemistry Dr. Lee Cronin. This is Part 1 of 2.
Evolution's Demigods: Reviewing the Tour/Cronin Debate
Mar 13, 2024
Do biologists give too much credit to natural selection and self-organization? What are the limits of a materialist approach to science? On this ID The Future, we bring you the second half of a panel discussion reviewing the recent debate between Rice University chemistry professor Dr. James Tour and University of Glasgow professor of chemistry Dr. Lee Cronin.
This is Part 2 of a two-part discussion.