Let's go down the list,…

Let's go down the list, shall we?

- Trump dropped 73k bombs in just 4 years. If he continued at that rate for another term (4 years) he would have surpassed Obama's 100k record by 46k.

- On January 29th, 2017, during an operation in Yemen, SEAL team 6 shot and killed Nawar al-Awlaki, an 8 year old American citizen.

- Civilian deaths from airstrikes in Afghanistan rose dramatically during the Trump era with the number of civilians killed by airstrikes increasing about 330 percent.

- The US military dropped America’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb. This was the first time this type of weapon had been used in battle

- President Trump vetoed a bipartisan resolution that would have forced an end to American military involvement in Yemen, which could have lifted sanctions which resulted in thousands of deaths and children starving from malnutrition.

- Trump pardoned 15 Blackwater guards who killed 14 Iraqi civilians in 2007 and wounded 17 others.