I am 100% certain of it. And when it all crashes, they can say 'anarchy was tried and failed'. That it was typical policies that caused it won't matter, because Milei is now the public face of libertarianism/anarchism. I will bring this up again, Klaus recently singled out libertarians as a threat. Why platform one for a global audience? Why give voice to a threat? Why give voice to the enemy? Counter intelligence 101. Read up on Operation Trust and CoinTelPro. I'm not just making things up without basis. What I am trying to explain here happens 100% of the time with movements that are a threat. Black Panthers had to be destroyed. From within. The militia movement of the 90s had to be destroyed. From within. They are losing people in droves the past few years, so why wouldn't they deploy a puppet to pull the fake libertarians and fake anarchists back into the fray? It worked so well with Vivek in the US, so why not expand it globally?

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it...