There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral Government, Rule, or Authority, and There Has Never Been

'All rule and any assumed ‘authority’ of one man or any group of men over another is completely evil, immoral and illegitimate. It matters not whether there is some pretense of “representation” by any group claiming to be the arbiters of the people, for each and every individual is sovereign for and unto himself alone. No one has any right to act or demand compliance on behalf of another, and no one has any right to delegate any power to afford one the right to rule another, period. Unless a voluntarily signed, personal, and individual contract is accepted by distinct and willing participants, where that contract can be found null and void immediately upon any failure to act in the manner prescribed, there is no right of one to act on the behalf of another concerning rule. This does not mean that any worthless piece of political garbage, such as any “constitution,” or any arbitrary “laws” or mandates, can ever be held as “legal;” a term immorally used by the State for the sole purpose of tyranny, in order that rule and control over other individuals can falsely be seen as justifiable. The essence of natural law, real justice, and freedom are never compatible with rule and authority.

Therefore, all government is not only criminal, it is pure evil. The entire basis of government is to lord over others by the use of violent force...'