2023 IBB World Championship | Neuroethics Lecture

James Giordano, PhD
"Bold New Brain Science...Brave New Bioethics"

Brain science and its technologies are enabling rapidly increasing capabilities to assess, access, and affect the nervous system and its functions. Such new tools and methods are allowing advances in research, medical diagnoses, and interventions, and are also being used to affect cognition, emotion and behaviors in various domains of individual and social life.

While intended for “good“ purposes, interpretations of benefits, as well as anticipating burdens, risks, and threats evoked by brain science must be addressed. To these ends, therelatively new and evolving field of neuroethics focuses upon both a neuroscientifically oriented understanding of moral and ethical thought and action, as well as upon the ethical issues, parameters, constraints and conduct of neuroscientific research, and its varied uses.
