So I had to leave my job last night. Quite the toxic environment. There is one employee who is a passive aggressive narcissist, who has started trouble with multiple co-workers (including me). Last night was argument number two with her, which turned into a whole mess including the boss screaming in my face. Well, at one point the boss then pulls me aside and gives me some sob story about the employee having some trauma (boo fucking hoo), and because I am a guy she felt threatened, and was about to call police on me. Well needless to say, I could not work in a place that makes excuses for the troublemaker, and worse, blames its all on me. Now, that said, being that me being male was brought into the discussion, does that not make this a sexual discrimination issue? I'm asking seriously. It was one of the most disturbing things I have ever experienced, and am considering taking the employer to court. I now cannot feed myself again, and I am just sick and fucking tired of people getting away with fucking other people over with no fucking recourse. I was forced out of 70K a yr over a jab mandate, now I am forced out of the shit job I had to settle for because of a pair a psychopathic cunts who seem to hate men. Fuck this world. Fuck this society. Its all needs to burn to the fucking ground. And that is not a metaphor. Fuck it all.