This Is Selco’s Favorite Survival Exercise.

Try the “everyday life” survival exercise

It does not have to be all physical training either. Start it on an intellectual level.

Use one week of your ordinary life as the beginning of your setup.

Monitor and write down your daily activities every day of the week, and then throw in an everyday imaginary SHTF event. A very basic and simplified example may look like this:

Every day you drive to your job at 8:00 (or using public transport)
You are at a job from 9-5 (your kids are at school from 8-3)
You are driving back from work from 5 to 6

Now, imagine for the sake of that exercise that something big and bad happened:

while you are driving to your job (and while your kids are at the school)
while you are at work
while you are driving back from work or school

Now gradually throw in complications. For example, the usual road home is blocked, cell phones are not working, you do not have enough cash or fuel, or nobody accepts cards at the gas stations…
