Immigrants didn't print a shit ton of money & make everything unaffordable, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't rush experimental mRNA injections thru safety trials & kill your grandma, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't bail out the airlines, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't add $7T to the national debt, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't take your bump stock, expand background checks & red flag laws, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't persecute Julian Assange, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't hand the country over to Tony Fauci, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't illegally go to war in Yemen, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't waste 4 yrs at war in Afghanistan, Donald Trump did.

Immigrants didn't hire Bill Barr, John Bolton, Nikki Haley, or Chris Canterbury, Donald Trump did.