breakthestate Getting “Pulled Over” the law that says I must ear-tag my truck with what are styled license plates – the words italicized to make an etymological point. Why must a
breakthestate What We Owe We are regularly told that we “owe” money to the government; it literally says this on the forms we’re obliged by law to fill out each
breakthestate Interview With a Parasite ... it wasn’t a friend at the door. It was a parasite. A two-legged leech hired by the county to “assess” the value of other
breakthestate Death Toll for Palestinian Journalists in Gaza Hits 170 #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #gaze #westbank #palestine #israel #genocide…
breakthestate John Kenneth Galbraith’s The Great Crash, 1929: A Retrospective #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh…
breakthestate Dr. Tim Goyetche ND @WitchDrTim Side by Side Autoimmune Blistering Disease vs. MonkeyPox "Autoimmune Blistering Disease" is on the Pfizer list of Adverse Events of Special Interest in