breakthestate FDA's document-only, 2010 definition of 'viral vaccines;' FDA's 2007 recommendation that developers not assess whether vaccination causes autoimmune disease. Court-ordered quarantine: involuntary
foodintelligence CRISPRed Pigs: Precision Porcine Gene Editing Combats PRRS Virus Threat Startup Clones Three Piglets Gene-Hacked to Have Organs Transplanted Into Humans Company Seeking Approval to Sell Meat From Gene-
breakthestate Da fuck? Piggy Sooy? USDA Approves Plan to Genetically Modify Soybeans to Produce ‘Plant-Grown’ Pig Protein I repeat, da fuck? Human proinsulin production in the milk of transgenic cattle
breakthestate How Long Have You Been Consuming Gene Therapied Pork? What Safety Studies Have Been Done on mRNA Swine Vaccines? mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp 10 Things to Know About
breakthestate Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight Covid mRNA Vaccines Required No Safety Oversight: Part Two #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #covid #bioweapons #mrna…
Three Types of Science, pt. 1: Experimental Science On this episode of ID the Future out of the vault, host Andrew McDiarmid begins a three-part conversation with biophysicist and
randomthough Reproductive rights do NOT mean you have the right to murder your yet-to-be-born child. Reproductive rights mean nobody can stop you from reproducing. #randomthough #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh