breakthestate Federal communicable disease control, quarantine and biological product law, 1798 to 1972; orientation through founding of Marine Hospital Service. 1798-1972 US federal quarantine and biological product law: Marine-Hospital
breakthestate Cyber Fix Episode 5 Trouble in Tech with Michael Ginsburg #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh…
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breakthestate Secret knowledge of secret societies ~ Mark Passio #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh #naturallaw #occult…
breakthestate Virus Research & Countermeasure Deployment: Two Aspects of One Biodefense Strategy What is Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)? If Covid EUAs Are Legal, the Virus Must Be a Potential Bioweapon #breakthestate
breakthestate A “State of Devolution” 'What are styled “conspiracy theories” are often compelling because they seem at least plausible – and when you combine that with the hope that they might