breakthestate Politics and Mind Control: Why “The Manchurian Candidate” is More Relevant Than Ever #breakthestate #anarchy #mindcontrol…
breakthestate from Derrick Broze: As part of The Great Inversion - the swinging from darkness to false light in the form of the freedom movement falling for the Right-wing - I often
breakthestate And Then the Actuaries Panicked!! A look at the nexus of organizations and the impact or reinsurance on the consequences of Biowarfare. #breakthestate #anarchy #mmh…
Mark Passio - Two Masks, Same Face - The Dark Occult Origins Of Nazism & Communism (FULL PRESENTATION) In this epic, all-day presentation, Mark Passio of What On Earth Is Happening
breakthestate Anarchist Audit of Corporate Greed Inflation Rising Consumer Prices Hour one brings an Anarchist Audit of the claim that Corporate Greed is causing inflation the rise in Consumer Prices. Then,
randomthought It's said free speech doesn't include yelling 'fire' in a movie theater. People parrot that narrative as if it is fact. But where is
breakthestate Hey Republican voters. Pointing out the problems with the Dems to other Repubican voters solves nothing. Maybe look at your own team and be equally as critical. Voters always ask